Hi from A Change Of Seasons Forum

This forum is meant to bring JP fans together! Anything of interest regarding music, guitars, techniques or tour dates is welcome here!

Moderatoren: Johnnie, Daniel Fries, Axel


Beitrag von richb »

Johnnie hat geschrieben:Hey Rich! Glad to have you here. :D
Finally we have a section for you and your inside information... :wink:

A few new guitars you say... I can't wait to hear the new stuff!
Thx Johnnie,good to meet you.I'm not sure if Axel told you about me but i've have the pleasure to meet AXEL while he was on vacation here in NYC last year.
I see John about once a month while he's off tour we always talk about gear,either my BFR's OR his BFR's,his Mesa Boogie amps OR my Mesa Boogie amps...
he just got a new all Black Stealth BFR with a Ebony freatboard and a few Koa BFR's..
Seems like DT has found there roots all over again and this album is HEAVY!!!
BTW; this pic is to put this forum on the DT map and YES,John likes the t-shirt!!! :D
Zuletzt geändert von richb am 06.03.2009, 23:04, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 1811
Registriert: 16.05.2007, 20:59
Wohnort: Aschaffenburg

Beitrag von Nico »

Wow I can't wait for more infos about the rig and of course I want to hold the album in my hands :)
I'm looking forward to the shows and I'm also really excited about the livesound and the guitars... 8)
But before that I hope the next album will be something mind blowing! And I'm shure they have done an excellent job in the studio :)

Hope they'll share the photos soon - they could tell a lot about the new album 8)
A Change of Seasons Forum
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: 01.03.2009, 18:58

Beitrag von A Change of Seasons Forum »

Johnnie hat geschrieben:
A Change of Seasons Forum hat geschrieben:yep, that's true..
but since i can't go to see them live this summer, i hope they won't perform sfam nor awake.
i was wondering: according to your opinions, will they perform the whole AA suite this summer? or later in autumn? or both?
Since I'm always bad with acronyms: what is the AA suite exactly? :wink:

I'm sorry! A.A. Suite stands for Alcoholics Anonymous Suite..do you know what i'm talking about? I hope so, but if not.. wait for tomorrow and I'll translate my thread (in italian, so far) concerning this topic.
Beiträge: 1225
Registriert: 08.09.2007, 16:04
Wohnort: Frankfurt

Beitrag von Johnnie »

hey guys, sorry for the delay, we took two days off and went on a trip to the Alps...
Now I understand what you mean with the AA suite. Of course I know about Mike's effort to translate the twelve steps into music. It would indeed be great to hear all parts in a row so far! :D

@Rich: Sounds like two tech fans found each other! :wink: I'm looking forward to see John play his new babes on stage! The Koas are absolutely beautiful...
Istvan DiVega
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 05.03.2009, 17:49

Beitrag von Istvan DiVega »

Johnnie hat geschrieben:
Istvan DiVega hat geschrieben:Indeed. But quite cosy as well^^
Btw: thanks a lot for welcoming us to your board!

PS: any feelings about the upcoming album spreading around? Reactions from German fans?
Good to hear that you like it! :wink: I know it's not easy to maintain the contact through both boards, but I'm sure we'll try and work on it!

Considering the album there isn't much I said here in German and there won't be much I can say in English:
Each and every album so far came out completely different than I expected, and although I have some favourites, I was never disappointed! :D

Another thing I always wanted to know: Is "Pull me under" the only Italian hit as well? Since the Greatest Hits Album is called "Greatest Hit", I guess it is. I just wanted to ask... Do you know which album sold best?
About PMU: I don't know either, but I guess so.
About question number 2: I think it should be Images And Words.

@Rich: So you usually meet with JP!? Sounds great! You know we're craving for news! Thanks a lot for being with us, and remember to feed us with crispy updates!

Beitrag von richb »

Johnnie hat geschrieben:hey guys, sorry for the delay, we took two days off and went on a trip to the Alps...
Now I understand what you mean with the AA suite. Of course I know about Mike's effort to translate the twelve steps into music. It would indeed be great to hear all parts in a row so far! :D

@Rich: Sounds like two tech fans found each other! :wink: I'm looking forward to see John play his new babes on stage! The Koas are absolutely beautiful...
for sure.the koa's are a bit heavier and the natural tone that comes from this beauty is just unreal!
Johnnie next time Axel comes to NY,you should come with him,i'll show you guys around the city.
Beiträge: 1225
Registriert: 08.09.2007, 16:04
Wohnort: Frankfurt

Beitrag von Johnnie »

Sounds great to me! :D